perhaps this IS your own life?
using no way, as a way. having no limitation, as limitation. bruce lee was right. you can do everything you want - even the impossible is possible when you don't have any limitations in your mind.
you can kill yourself mentally way before you realize it. you can burn your energy for despising your miserable life without realizing you don't have a life. you can drown yourself to negativity go around that same old circle you have been familiar for so long. complaining, dismissing, misunderstanding, missing days, missing people, missing moments, not having fun because you don't deserve it. mentally dead.
what is the point this oh so beautifull non-existing? there is no point. at least no one expect the society has been able to show it.
kids have the right to be happy. why? they are kids, they have no problems. when an adult is happy he is drunken, stoned or crazy. happiness doesn't seem to be a goal for anyone in this overcommercial world. we want money and machines the sooner the better. if you put an advert to a newspaper saying: how to be happy? come to this and this place at this time to learn how - you will quite possibly get overcrowded place. this of course is just a scenario, but be honest for a while: can you name a person who is happy most of the time?
happiness seems to be a crime in this society. depression and melancoly however are definatelly overrated. i understand you is something you hear when you say you are depressed. depression as a word and as a disease are mainly misunderstood and represented in wrong associations. person who is deeply depressed won't have daily routines, he won't be able to work or go to school.
you are remembered when you are gone. you are a good person when you are dead. when do we learn that we are good even as we are unperfect. how boring world would be if everyone would be nietzchean kind of overhuman beings? we would have world war III very soon, the world would stop going around. our limitations make us what we are. everyone has specialities and that also makes us what we are. what we are in the future - it is up to ourselfes. you should rule your life, not some one else who doesn't know how it feels for you, where you came from and where are you going to go. nothing is certain exept the fact that everything is uncertain. live you life how you want to live it.